Sündinud 22. Detsembril 1945, Tallinnas
Marju Bormeister lõpetas Eesti Riikliku Kunstiinstituudi maalikunstnikuna 1985. a. Kunstnike järeltulijana on ta elanud pool elust Tallinna Kunstihoones, sattudes varakult tärpentiini-lõhnalisse värvide maailma. Maalida meeldib Bormeistrile eelkõige loodust ning selles leiduvaid erinevaid pinnastruktuure. Bormeister naudib tehnikana eriti monotüüpiat.
I was the firstborn child of artists Magda and Mart Bormeister, born on the 22nd of December in 1945.
I would say I lived half of my life in Tallinn’s Art House, which took me eau de turpentine world of colours. I have worked as a playschool teacher, draughts woman, secretary and in a photo laboratory.
I have painted sets designed by Fitz Matt, Aime Unt and Tõnu Virve.
I have worked at the Estonian National Museum of Art and Theatre. It is there that I discovered my interest in photography. I have worked as a set-designer at the Tallinn’s Youth Theatre. It was only after that that I went to study theatre design at the Estonian Art Academy. However I switched to the Department of Painting and graduated from it. I have also studied interior design and various types of printmaking (etching, monotypia and other) at the Estonian Art Academy.
I enjoy painting outdoor wilderness, landscapes and all kinds of surface textures. I work mainly from home, with lots of paintings around, as well as kids and clients. This makes it difficult to tell whether it is my home or studio.
I have participated in a number of different projects of relevance to teaching the monotypia technique in Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Norway, USA and Germany. I have taught several diplomatic corporation workers (from England, Denmark, Ireland, USA, Finland, Estonia, Russia, Poland, Norway) in my Tallinn studio.
1966 Graduated from Tallinn’s Reaalkool Highschool
1980 First official exhibition
1985 Graduated from Estonian Art Academy
1993 Became a member of Estonian Artist’s Association
1997 Became a member of Estonian Watercolorists
2000 Graduated from Estonian Art Academy, Artists Pedagogue Diploma
2001 Graduated from Estonian Art Academy Tutors Advanced Education/ Training
Important exhibitions for the past 9years
- „Untitled” Narva Museum Art Gallery
- „Landscapes” Abja-Paluoja Kultuurimaja
- EMLi exhibtion „M” Vaal Gallery
- „Birds and Landscapes” Pirita Vabaajakeskus
- „Watercolours” Meriton Spa Hotell
- „Eurostandard?” Kullo Lastegalerii
- „Oilpainitings” cafe „Mahedik” Pärnus (2012 august -2013 august)
- EML XIII annual exhibition Kunstihoones
- EKL XII annual exhibiton at Kunstihoones
- EML exhibition Pärnu Contemporary Art Museum
- EML „ Ballet dance”, Jõhvi Conert Hall
- „Visions”, Vaal Gallery, Tallinn
- Watercolour exhibition, Würth Gallery, Tallinn
- Watercolour exhibition in Narva
Al 2011 -
- EML ja Watercolour Association exhibitions
- solo exhibition, Vabaduse Gallery, Tallinn
- EML exhibition, Pärnu Contemporary Art Museum
- solo exhibition, Tallinna Town Council
- solo exhibtion, „Asko“ furniture showroom, Peterburgi tee 4, Tallinn
- solo exhibition, Haus Galerii (SEB)
- solo exhibtion, Metro Keskus Peugeut
- solo exhibition, Status Club
- Solo exhibtion, AS Lääne-Tallinna Keskhaigla Merimetsa Nakkuskeskuse lasteosakonna
Quick Draw Plein Air Competition of Easton, Maryland, United States
2014 - Cordoba 2014 International Exhibition & symposium
2014 – The Art of Watercolour & L´Art de l´Aquarelle „The World Watercolour competition”
2013 - „International Biennale Art-Bridge-Watercolour”, St. Peterburg
2010 - „IX Bienal Internacional de la Acuarela”, Museo Nacional de la Acuarela, Mexico
Teaching other universties
03. 2014 Tartu University painting department Monotype course
Master classes
2013 Narva Art Museum – Monotype course for Narva and Saint Petersburg artists
2013 Teachers House – teachers monotype workshop
Participating in commites
2011 Tartu Higher Art College, member of the end of year projets commitee
1993 Estonian Artist Association
1993 Estonian Painters Association
1993 Estonian Watercolour Association
1999 International Association of art
Other social engagements
2012 - SA Charity fond „My dream day”
2011, 2012 – Merimetsa Autism Support Centre – Monotype workshop
2011-2012 – Donations to SA Maarja Village ja AS Lääne-Tallinna Keskhaigla Merimetsa Nakkuskeskuse lasteosakonnale/ Co. Tallinn Central Hopsital Merimetsa kids department
2007-2012 – EKL Loovisiku stipendium
2010 – Eesti Kultuurkapitali toetus
2006 – Otto Niemeyer-Holstein-Stipendium